
We all know that analyzing data behind a computer screen never tells the whole story. This is where you come in! BCDCOG and City Staff will work together to curate key messages that evolve from this research and bring them to you, the residents and stakeholders of Goose Creek, for your review, comments, questions and any other feedback you’d like to give. This part is crucial! The 2020 plan will guide current and future City officials in many of their decisions. Help them to make well-informed decisions by participating in the development of the City’s Comprehensive Plan! Email us your ideas.

Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments

The BCDCOG, our regional planning agency, will consult in Phase 1 of the plan by collecting and analyzing existing conditions data. This is an in-depth analysis of data derived from the US Census, the City of Goose Creek, Berkeley County, and many other resources and tools. This analytical exercise forms the basis of our understanding of Goose Creek today.

City Staff

City of Goose Creek planning staff will oversee the plan, collaborating with BCDCOG, and managing the overall process and outcome.


Phase 2 of this process will engage a to-be-determined planning consultant to develop the vision, goals, objectives, and implementation strategies of the comprehensive plan. Public participation is of utmost importance here, too! Be on the lookout this summer and fall for notifications from the City about public events to get involved!

Planning Commission

The City’s Planning Commission will act as the plan's steering committee throughout Phases 1 and 2 of the planning process, holding multiple Public Hearings, and will “sign-off” on the final product. The final product will then go to city Council for review and adoption by ordinance.