Red Bank District
Red Bank District
Red Bank Road was identified in the City of Goose Creek's Comprehensive Plan (2021) as one of the six village nodes in need of further study and recommendations. The City of Goose Creek Planning Commission is tasked with undertaking a continuing planning program for the physical, social, economic growth, and redevelopment of area within the City.

On January 4, 2022, the City of Goose Creek Planning Commission instructed staff to begin the process of creating a Red Bank District plan that will serve as a complementary tool for implementing the Comprehensive Plan through development and redevelopment guidelines of the corridor. Between January 2022 and March 2022, the City of Goose Creek undertook a survey for the Red Bank District. The survey consisted of eight multiple choice questions and one allowing for freeform response. In all, 226 residents took the time to provide valuable feedback.
Using survey responses and data collected from the Red Bank District study staff worked to create the Red Bank District Overlay.

The intent of this overlay district is to support the transition of Red Bank Road to a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use, pro-arts/artisan, boutique manufacturing corridor that is compatible with surrounding residential development.
✔ Encourage safe pedestrian and alternative transportation methods along and to the District.
✔ Stimulate the growth of artisan manufacturing and commerce in the District.
✔ Incentivize the inclusion of public art in new developments and redevelopments.
✔ Promote the interconnectivity of commercial and residential areas in the District.
Super Incentive Area
The Red Bank District is located within City Council designated Super Incentive Area. This means that Council has determined that additional support is necessary to promote the revitalization and redevelopment of the area. This means that your business may qualify for additional incentives. For more information on what incentives you may qualify for visit the Business in the Creek page.
What is an Overlay District?
An overly district is a zoning district that is applied over one or more previously established zoning districts. An overlay district does not change your current zoning district. Overlay districts are an effective tool used to promote revitalization projects that tailor regulations to specific community goals or address inequities. City Council passed the Red Bank District Overlay on October 11, 2022.
Red Bank in the News
Goose Creek leaders working to improve Red Bank road area
Goose Creek aims to turn Red Bank corridor into a redevelopment hot spot
Planning commission seeks input on Red Bank Road project
Wild style: Muralists show out at 'Art in the Park'
Goose Creek promotes public art push with Art in the Park
Goose Creek's growing Brazilian community making an impact with restaurants, businesses
You can help Goose Creek design new banners for its Red Bank Road Arts Initiative
Have Questions?
For more information about the Red Bank District, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at [email protected] or (843) 797-6220 ext. 1114.