Starting a New Business
Existing Building
To start a new business, you must apply for a business license. Call 843-797-6220, ext. 1100 or ext. 1122 for more information.
New Building
Please view the city's Commercial Construction Information Packet for forms, contacts, and information you will need to begin a commercial construction project in the City of Goose Creek.
Starting a Home Business
If you are thinking of working from home or starting your own business, there are some regulations that you will need to consider.
From Section 151.028 of the City Zoning Ordinance:
CUSTOMARY HOME OCCUPATION. An occupation, within a dwelling or a finished room over garage and clearly incidental thereto, carried on by a member of the family residing in the premises, provided, however, that no person not a resident of the premises is employed at the premises, no mechanical equipment is used except such that is normally used for family, domestic, or household purposes, and there is no exterior indication that the building is being used for any purpose other than a dwelling. There shall be no activity conducted outside, nor shall there be any outdoor storage, display, or refuse area in the yard. These standards must be met to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator. When the above requirements are met, a home occupation includes but is not limited to the following: an art studio; dressmaking; professional home office of a lawyer, engineer, architect, salesperson, or other similar occupation; independent business contractor who has no other permanent place of business; a family daycare in which care is given during the day for two or not more than six children, including the resident’s own children.
You must apply for a business license and a home occupancy license for any home occupancy.
Call 843-797-6220, ext. 1100 or ext. 1122 for more information.