Traffic Safety

The Goose Creek Police Department is committed to promoting the safest possible traffic environment for our citizens to travel within. Our efforts consist of a combination of enforcement and education.

Data Collection
Our patrol and traffic officers utilize traffic collision and citizen complaint data as the basis for focusing their traffic enforcement efforts. Our traffic officers utilize a RADAR display trailer to draw citizens' attention to their speed in areas where we've received complaints or have noted frequent speed violations.

Driving Under the Influence, Seatbelts & Safety
We exercise a zero-tolerance policy with regard to driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or other substances. We are also vigorous in our enforcement of the requirement to wear seatbelts and utilize child restraints. We have included traffic safety brochures you may wish to download on the bottom of this page.

We offer courtesy child safety seat inspections and provide parents instruction on the proper installation of a variety of seat styles.  Corporal Scott Derrick is a certified child safety seat technician and provides this service to city residents. You may contact Corporal Derrick at 843-863-5200 Ext. 2434 to make an appointment.

If you have a traffic concern or wish to request focused enforcement, please contact our Traffic Unit Supervisor Lieutenant Scott Hydrick at 843-863-5200 Ext. 2458.

Traffic Safety Information