About Your GCPD

The Goose Creek Police Department (GCPD) services the residents and businesses within the corporate limits of the City of Goose Creek.  Twenty-four (24) hour patrols are accomplished through the use of 4 teams of officers working alternating 12 hour shifts.  Patrol shifts are augmented by dedicated traffic safety officers who address high collision locations and strategically assigned officers (SAOs) that carry out directed patrols and investigative efforts in high crime areas and areas suffering chronic quality of life issues.  Investigators are assigned cases that are very involved or require specialized expertise.

GCPD recruits only the best qualified candidates to serve - over half of our officers have at least a 2 year college degree.  After an extensive pre-hire background investigation, candidates attend the S.C. Criminal Justice Academy to receive law enforcement certification.  Candidates then return home where they receive an additional 12 weeks of training in a closely supervised environment.  At the conclusion of field training, officers are released to solo duty and may pursue specialized training and assignments. 

GCPD is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), Inc., and has been so accredited since 2002.  CALEA publishes over 480 standards considered "best practices" for law enforcement agencies.  GCPD proudly complies with all applicable standards, which are reviewed annually by CALEA leading up to a site visit to verify our compliance, which happens every four years.  We welcome you to make comments about our department directly to CALEA using the link provided below.



GCPD Agency Mission & Vision Statements:

Mission Statement:  The mission of the Goose Creek Police Department is to create and maintain a safe city by reducing and deterring crime, ensuring the safety of our residents and visitors and building trust through partnerships with our community.

Vision Statement:  The Goose Creek Police Department will strive to represent itself as law enforcement's benchmark for excellence, while exemplifying leadership, professionalism, community policing and aggressive crime fighting.


2024 Organizational Chart

GCPD Standard Operating Procedure Manual

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

2021 Internal Investigations Summary